Challenge your friends and family to get back to nature

AUTHOR Sally Palmer

b2ap3_thumbnail_NC2014.jpgSchool has started, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t still have fun. Come to the UTMSI Visitor Center in Port Aransas to complete your challenge activity that is designed for family fun and nature exploration. The University of Texas Marine Science Institute and Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve are participating in the Texas Nature Challenge. The goal of Texas Nature Challenge is to get families and kids outdoors by visiting as many participating parks and nature areas in Texas as they can.  To participate, register your team, download challenges, complete those challenges at the sites, and then create a notebook about your experiences. Registered participants have a chance to win prizes in their home region based on their notebooks.

This is your challenge, should you choose to accept it…

Head out to the UTMSI Visitor Center in Port Aransas and immerse yourself in exploration. During your challenge, participants will have fun exploring the Estuary Explorium in order to complete challenges that will help them discover why estuaries are economically and ecologically important. Challenges are adapted to the child’s age and range from developing a puppet show to working on the same problems that are scientist are.

Check out all the Coastal Bend Challenges:

CONTACT:Colbi Gemmell (, 361-749-3156