Friends of the ARK (FOTA) Donates $100,000

AUTHOR Sally Palmer

2021 cumulated with a big bang for the Amos Rehabilitation Keep (ARK). The non-profit Friends of the ARK (FOTA), raised $100,000 over the course of nine months and presented the check to the ARK just before the holidays. The funds will help furnish and equip the planned animal hospital that is slated to begin construction this year. The new hospital building is part of the Hurricane Harvey rebuild support received by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for its Mission-Aransas Reserve program. The FOTA began raising funds in April 2021 by selling t-shirts at a temporary store and other large events throughout the year in addition to FOTA’s annual fundraiser, Fall for the ARK. FOTA was organized in 2006 and to-date has donated over $790,000 dollars to the ARK since that time.

FOTA donation 2021