Sea Turtle Release

AUTHOR Sally Palmer

This past Saturday, 10 sea turtles (4 Kemp’s Ridleys, 5 green, 1 loggerhead) were released back into the wild.  The Amos Rehabilitation Keep (ARK) at The University of Texas Marine Science Institute housed and recuperated the turtles that were brought in for rehabilitation for a variety of reasons.

All stranded turtles receive radiographs, blood work, and thorough examinations by our veterinarian to decide on a course of treatment, which might include fluid therapy, antibiotics, topical ointments, and sometimes even surgery. Half of the turtles released (four Kemp’s Ridleys and one green) were under the ARK’s care from complications due to freezing temperatures. The four Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles were part of the cohort that were stranded in Cape Cod, Massachusetts and flown down to South Texas by Turtles Fly Too. One of the five released green sea turtles was the last remaining turtle to be released from the original 900 stranded and housed at UTMSI during the winter storm Uri. The other four green sea turtles were stranded due to general debilitation, the fibropapilloma virus, and entanglement. The sole loggerhead sea turtle was ready for release on Saturday after recuperation from swallowing a fishing hook that was taken out by UTMSI and ARK veterinarian Dr. Shayna Whitaker.

Saturday’s turtle release is made possible from staff and volunteer support from the Amos Rehabilitation Keep at The University of Texas Marine Science Institute.

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