Sharing Storm Science, More than Hot Air

AUTHOR Sally Palmer

SymposiumOne-year later scientists converged to discuss Hurricane Harvey impacts. Hurricane Harvey was a unique storm that impacted all of Texas, including the plants and animals in our bays and estuaries. Researchers from across the state and beyond came together today, August 23, 2018, at the Hurricane Harvey Research Symposium in Port Aransas. Over 200 participants were in attendance to listen to research presentations about the impacts of the storm to Texas watersheds and bays.

The very first presenter, Dr. J. Derek Hogan Assistant Professor from Texas A&M University Corpus Christi summed up the symposium well with “it takes a community to measure a community.” Close to 50 presentations were given with research that spanned from the impact to constructed reefs to fecal contamination to decreased fishing pressure.

The symposium’s location in Port Aransas, Texas is fitting as that community was among those that were most damaged from the storm. The symposium is sponsored by The University of Texas Marine Science Institute, it’s Mission-Aransas Reserve, and in partnership with Texas Sea Grant.