Water wise wildlife garden is open for business
The University of Texas Marine Science Institute is pleased to officially open the Water Wise Wildlife Garden to the public. This garden is a unique piece of landscaping that is designed to showcase native plants and their use for conserving water and offering a home and shelter to wildlife. The garden features a trail, benches, and signs about the plants and animals that rely on them. We hope that you can join us at the ribbon-cutting ceremony:
Friday May 20th from 2 – 3 p.m. at 855 East Cotter Ave., Port Aransas Texas 78373
Mr. Chairman Todd Hunter will be the master of ceremonies and provide a keynote address. The address will be followed by a ribbon cutting ceremony to commemorate all of the volunteers within the community and the organizations that made this garden possible. The new garden is open to the public and was designed with help from Texas Master Naturalists. The Port Aransas community also lent a hand during a community planting effort in April.
The water-wise wildlife garden was primarily funded by the UT green fee, which was created by House Bill 3353 (companion bill SB 2182) in the 81st legislative session. The University of Texas Marine Science Institute submitted a competitive grant to the University to create the garden and received $61,500, which was leveraged for additional funding from with Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program.
Location: 855 East Cotter Avenue (near the beach), Port Aransas, Texas
Contact: Sally Palmer at 361-728-1025 or sally.palmer@utexas.edu