UTMSI Picnic was Scarily Good

AUTHOR Sally Palmer

This weekend UTMSI friends and family celebrated being a part of the Institute with a picnic at Robert’s Point Park. The event coincided with Halloween and was complete with children and adult costume contests, a piggy perch fishing tournament, and plenty of food and games. The winners of the children costume contest were: most accurate: Hunter Pelfrey as Halo Master Chief, scariest: Bepo Uljevic as a Ninja, and most creative: Chloe Converse as an old lady. The winners of the kid-at-heart (aka adult) costume contest were: 1st place Andrew Esbaugh (basketball player), 2nd place Mary Rodriguez (witch), and 3rd place Christina Bonsell (lobster). The winners of the piggy perch contest were: 1st place Bepo Uljevic with nine fish, 2nd Parker Tunnell with seven fish and 3rd place Ian McClelland with five plus one fish in a fish-off!

Special thanks goes to Meredith Evans, Patty Webb, Jamey Pelfrey, and Olivia Gonzalez for organizing and coordinating the event!

Picnic 4Dr. Andrew Esbaugh, Mary Rodriguez, and Christina Bonsell took home prizes for the best-dressed costume. Credit: Patty Webb, The University of Texas Marine Science Institute.

AdultContestantsCollagePhoto collage of adult costume contest participants. Credit: Patty Webb and Jace Tunnell, The University of Texas Marine Science Institute.


ChildrenContestantsCollagePhoto collage of some of the children costume contest participants. Credit: Patty Webb, The University of Texas Marine Science Institute.


Picnic 5The crowd cheers for costume contest participants. Credit: Jace Tunnell, The University of Texas Marine Science Institute.

Picnic 3The piggy perch fishing challenge was a big success with many different types of fish being caught including snapper, triple tail etc… Credit: Patty Webb, The University of Texas Marine Science Institute.

Picnic 1Ian McClelland shows the younger kids how it’s done. Credit: Patty Webb, The University of Texas Marine Science Institute.