Chris Biggs Recognized for Teaching
Last night, Dr. Chris Biggs was honored and received the Higher Education Award from the Coastal Bend Bays Foundation at its 2023 Conservation and Stewardship Environmental Awards Banquet. This distinguished award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and effectiveness in educating Texans about the natural resources of the Coastal Bend region. As the lead instructor and organizer for the University of Texas Marine Science Institute’s Semester by the Sea, Dr. Biggs exemplified these qualities through his dedication to ensuring that students learn about and develop a stewardship for the coast and marine environments.
The annual awards hosted by the Coastal Bend Bays Foundation recognize and honor Coastal Bend citizens, educators, businesses, governing bodies, and other entities for environmental contributions. Award winners are chosen based on their significant contributions to habitat conservation, enhancement, protection, restoration, or preservation of the Coastal Bend’s natural resources or education for the region’s youth and adults about the importance and value of their natural surroundings.
Other awards presented during the evening were Armon Alex, Coastal Steward Volunteer; Dr. David Newstead Jr., Coastal Steward Professional; Texas State Aquarium’s Port Corpus Christi Center for Wildlife Rescue, Coastal Community; Friends of Redhead Pond and Environmental Stewardship Association, Nonprofit Organization; Martha McLeod, Rockport-Fulton ISD, K-12 Education; JT Van Zandt Fly Fishing, Business; Gulf Coast Growth Ventures, Industry; City of Portland, President’s Award.
Congratulations Chris!