Information For Groups
Research and teaching are major functions of the Marine Science Institute of The University of Texas at Austin. Another important role of the laboratory is to serve as a resource for the faculty and students of The University of Texas and of other universities, colleges and secondary school groups.
Pier Lab
A 1200 sq. ft. Pier Lab with running seawater, and small aquaria is available for groups. Special arrangements by request. Groups are advised to furnish their own lab equipment. Please reserve in advance.
A 57-ft. research vessel, the R/V KATY, is available to visiting groups.
Other boats are available by special arrangement. Availability of boats is dependent on prior scheduling commitments. Because of overtime crew costs, preference will be given to regular weekday scheduling).
Minimum grade for the R/V Katy is 5th grade, with no exceptions.
The R/V Katy capacity is 25 persons, not including crew, per trip.
Please note: All release and indemnification forms must be completed prior to your arrival on campus.
R/V KATY FEES (Half day reservation):
- $675 student programs (5th grade and above)
- $850 College/University programs
- Call for vessel charter for research
A single check for payment of fees or a purchase order number should be given by the person in charge when the group checks in. INDIVIDUAL PAYMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Checks should be made payable to “The University of Texas”.
To make a reservation for the R/V Katy, submit the Visiting Group Request Form. Reservations should be made well in advance. A reservation is only confirmed when you receive a written confirmation from the Marine Science Education staff.
RESERVATIONS At the bay education center in Rockport
To make a reservation for programs at our Bay Education Center in Rockport Texas please contact Sarah Failla at (361)774-1785 or
This could affect your trip aboard the R/V KATY. It is your responsibility to contact this office for the latest weather conditions prior to your visit.
The use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco is strictly prohibited anywhere on campus.
Pets are prohibited on campus.
Marine Science Education: (8 a.m. – 5 p.m. weekdays) 361-749-3153 or 361-749-3152
Security Cell Phone: 361-332-9641