Science and the Sea

Gassy Fjords – January 29, 2023

HOST Damond Benningfield


Fjords are some of the most beautiful features on the planet. But they may not be all that beautiful deep down. They may release as much methane into the atmosphere […]

Spiny Lumpsucker – January 22, 2023

HOST Science and the Sea staff


Judging by its name alone, you might expect the Pacific spiny lumpsucker to be a fearsome creature. But divers often describe the fish as cute and comical. They’re small and […]

Low Flyers – January 15, 2023

HOST Damond Benningfield


Many dead airliners spend the afterlife in the desert—in “boneyards” where they’re stripped for spare parts and scrap metal. But a few are ending up in wetter graveyards—as artificial reefs […]

Seahorse Haven – January 8, 2023

HOST Damond Benningfield


Sweetings Pond is its own watery universe. It’s on Eleuthera, an island in the Bahamas. The pond is about a mile and a half long and up to 45 feet […]

Unwelcome Guest – January 1, 2023

HOST Damond Benningfield


Few things are worse than a guest who just won’t leave. And lately, that appears to be the case with La Niña—a period of cooling in the Pacific Ocean that […]

Waste to Wealth – December 25, 2022

HOST Damond Benningfield


When the fish markets of Chennai, India, process the daily catch, there are lots of leftovers: tails, fins, guts, and other parts—as much as a quarter to half of the […]

Ocean Lung – December 18, 2022

HOST Damond Benningfield


The Labrador Sea—a narrow body between Canada and Greenland—has been described as one of the “lungs” of the deep ocean. It absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere and deposits it deep […]

More Viruses – December 11, 2022

HOST Damond Benningfield


We’re all familiar with RNA viruses—or at least their effects. They cause colds, flu, measles, mumps—and COVID-19. So, you might not be thrilled to learn that scientists recently discovered 5500 […]

Challenger Expedition – December 4, 2022

HOST Damond Benningfield


HMS Challenger set sail from England to study the world’s oceans on December 7th, 1872. Its accomplishments were so massive that it took 23 years and 30,000 pages to publish […]

Valley of the Whales – November 27, 2022

HOST Damond Benningfield


Phiomicetus anubis would make a great subject for a science-fiction movie. Named for Egypt’s jackal-headed god of death, it was about 10 feet long, weighed about 1300 pounds, and had […]