Science and the Sea

Retiring Rigs – February 28, 2021

HOST Damond Benningfield


Setting up an offshore oil rig takes a lot of time and money, and a lot of thought about the environment. And so does taking one down. California, for example, […]

Growing Island – February 21, 2021

HOST Damond Benningfield


A volcanic island in the western Pacific Ocean just can’t settle down. After not changing much for thousands of years, it’s undergone a series of eruptions in recent decades. That’s […]

Birds in Peril – February 14, 2021

HOST Damond Benningfield


The Tristan albatross is one of the largest sea birds on the planet. It has a 10-foot wingspan, which it uses to soar across millions of square miles of the […]

Hairy Frogfish – February 7, 2021

HOST Damond Benningfield


The striated frogfish has quite a resumé. It walks on the ocean floor, camouflages itself to avoid predators, carries its own fishing lure, and can gobble another fish faster than […]

Melanoma Fighter – January 31, 2021

HOST Damond Benningfield


Melanoma kills thousands of Americans every year, and attacks tens of thousands. So far, there’s no cure. But a potato-shaped organism in the waters around Antarctica may offer a solution. […]

Living Fossils – January 24, 2021

HOST Damond Benningfield


Sea lilies and feather stars are some of the most beautiful and delicate creatures in the oceans. Many of these animals resemble feather dusters, with the “feathers” colored orange, yellow, […]

Southern Orcas – January 17, 2021

HOST Damond Benningfield


Killer whales are a bit provincial. They’re split into small regional populations that stay on their own — they almost never interact with others. The smallest of these groups is […]

Shared Heritage – January 10, 2021

HOST Damond Benningfield


Even if you live a thousand miles from the ocean, it still has an impact on your life. It provides food, fuel, and other resources. It’s a “superhighway” for transporting […]

Jellybeans on a Reef – January 3, 2021

HOST Damond Benningfield


The smallest fish on coral reefs appear to have two main jobs. One is to make more fish. And the other is to get eaten. These little guys are known […]

Oh, Poo – December 27, 2020

HOST Damond Benningfield


Parrotfish and surgeonfish are among the many colorful residents of Caribbean coral reefs. They mainly eat algae and a type of bacteria off the reef. But they also nibble on […]