Science and the Sea

Deadly Combination – December 20, 2020

HOST Damond Benningfield


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons — PAHs — are compounds that can be both good and bad. On the good side, they form the “bark” on a slice of brisket, which adds […]

MERMAIDS – December 13, 2020

HOST Damond Benningfield


Dozens of mermaids MERMAIDS drift with the currents of the South Pacific. They listen for the rumble of earthquakes on the ocean floor. Then they pop to the surface to […]

Defenses – December 6, 2020

HOST Damond Benningfield


Just because something is tiny doesn’t mean it’s defenseless. Some of the smallest organisms in the oceans, for example, have found ways to keep much larger organisms from gobbling them […]

Running Away – November 29, 2020

HOST Damond Benningfield


When you’re being chased by a great hammerhead shark, simply running away isn’t always a great option. The shark is big and fast, so there’s a good chance it’ll catch […]

Sleeping Corals – November 22, 2020

HOST Damond Benningfield


Warmer oceans are bad news for corals. Higher temperatures can kill the living part of a coral, leaving only a bleached-out skeleton. Despite appearances, though, one species of coral might […]

Plane Reefs – November 15, 2020

HOST Damond Benningfield


Shortly after the end of World War II, American forces on Kwajalein Atoll, a small island in the western Pacific Ocean, faced a problem. It would cost more to ship […]

Warmer Penguins – November 8, 2020

HOST Damond Benningfield


Adelie penguins live in one of the iciest regions on Earth — on the rim of Antarctica. But when the ice around one colony thinned out a few years ago, […]

Meteotsunamis – November 1, 2020

HOST Damond Benningfield


If you live along the coast, you might get hit by several tsunamis a year — but not even know it. They aren’t generated by underwater earthquakes, volcanoes, or landslides. […]

Cannibal Walnuts – October 25, 2020

HOST Damond Benningfield


The sea walnut first entered the Baltic Sea almost 40 years ago, probably hitchhiking on cargo ships. Since then, this little critter has been a big pest. The population has […]

Deep-Sea Mining – October 18, 2020

HOST Damond Benningfield


Trillions of metallic nodules cover the bottom of a vast region of the Pacific Ocean. They’re worth a fortune, so mining operations are considering scooping them up. But like many […]