Science and the Sea

Cooperation – August 18, 2019

HOST Damond Benningfield


The pistol shrimp has terrible eyesight. But some species of the shrimp get help — not spectacles, but a companion fish: a goby. It keeps an eye out for predators. […]

Bodega Bay – August 11, 2019

HOST Damond Benningfield


Bodega Bay is best known for its birds. Not real birds, but the scary ones from a movie: Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds.” The film was set and shot in the […]

Smart Fish? – August 4, 2019

HOST Damond Benningfield


We might not always think so, but people who spend time preening in a mirror are actually passing an intelligence test — showing an awareness that the thing in the […]

Sneaky Waves – July 28, 2019

HOST Damond Benningfield


A calm day on the beaches of the Pacific Northwest can turn deadly in a hurry. A single large wave can rush ashore, running inland up to 50 yards farther […]

Odd Whale – July 21, 2019

HOST Damond Benningfield


An ancestor of modern-day whales may have paddled across the Atlantic Ocean like an otter. And when it reached the Americas, it could have walked out on its back legs. […]

Tumbleweeds – July 14, 2019

HOST Damond Benningfield


Like its garden-variety namesake, the sea cucumber doesn’t get around much. Most species appear to spend their entire adult lives on the same patch of sea floor. But recent research […]

Hungry for Seafood – July 7, 2019

HOST Damond Benningfield


We Americans love our shrimp, salmon, and canned tuna — we eat more of those than any other type of seafood. Overall, in 2017 we consumed about 16 pounds of […]

Fish Problems – June 30, 2019

HOST Damond Benningfield


Fishing just isn’t what it used to be — commercial fishing, that is. For much of the last century, the world’s fleets brought in more fish and shellfish every decade. […]

Loud Toadfish – June 23, 2019

HOST Damond Benningfield


It’s probably not surprising that a critter known as a toadfish can be a bit rude. A couple of studies in recent years have found that male toadfish “grunt” when […]

Cold Invaders – June 16, 2019

HOST Damond Benningfield


A few strands of kelp washing up on a beach usually isn’t much cause for alarm. But when two clumps of southern bull kelp were found in Antarctica in early […]