Science and the Sea

Imperial Shrimp – February 26, 2017

HOST Damond Benningfield


When an imperial shrimp wants to get from one spot to another, it doesn’t hail a cab or an Uber — and it certainly doesn’t walk. Instead, it may catch […]

Spraying Clouds – February 19, 2017

HOST Damond Benningfield


If you stand near the water’s edge on a breezy day, when the waves are breaking on shore, you can feel the sea spray — a mixture of water, salt, […]

Follow the Birds – February 12, 2017

HOST Damond Benningfield


One of the joys of an afternoon at the beach is watching the seabirds as they soar with the winds. But such bird watching might serve as more than just […]

Bights – February 5, 2017

HOST Damond Benningfield


If you look at a map of Australia, it looks like a giant has taken a bite out of its southern flank. A gentle indentation curves across almost the entire […]

Catching Krill – January 29, 2017

HOST Damond Benningfield


If you could measure the total weight of each kind of animal on the planet, the winner wouldn’t be people or elephants or even blue whales. Instead, it probably would […]

Going Deep – January 22, 2017

HOST Damond Benningfield


In Greek mythology, Hades was the underworld — the dark realm of the dead. And that seemed like a good description of the deepest parts of the ocean. They’re dark, […]

Nasty Fog – January 15, 2017

HOST Damond Benningfield


A foggy California coastline is a staple of Hollywood mysteries and horror tales, enfolding everything from murderers to monsters. Today, the California fog is enfolding another hazard: a nasty form […]

Fireworm – January 8, 2017

HOST Damond Benningfield


Marine creatures don’t have to be big to deliver a nasty jolt. Consider the bearded fireworm. It’s generally no more than a few inches long, but one touch can be […]

Azores – January 1, 2017

HOST Damond Benningfield


In the eastern North Atlantic Ocean, hundreds of miles off the coast of Europe, the continents are slipping away from each other. Three of the “plates” that make up Earth’s […]

Ammonites – December 25, 2016

HOST Damond Benningfield


It’s been 65 million years since the last ammonites died off. Yet these creatures are whispering to geologists, helping them determine the ages of layers of rock that could be […]