Texas Gulf Coast Research Center Announces Awards

AUTHOR Sally Palmer

The mission of the Texas Gulf Coast Research Center is to conduct research, collaborate with partners and design programming to inform and address long and short term challenges facing the Texas coast. 


The Texas Gulf Coast Research Center is happy to announce the following awards for the planning grant, Impact 2030 and Impact 2027 round two competition. 


Track 2030  

Addressing near-term challenges on the Texas Gulf Coast with external partners and resource managers.


Examining the role of coastal habitats for energy and nutrient fluxes from fishes to people: an integrative socio-ecological approach

PI: Simon Brandl

CoPI and Partners: Natalie S. Poulos (Dep Nutri.Sci.)


Burning the Flats: Impacts of boat noise on fish movement and behavior in shallow coastal flats of Texas

PI: Victoria Congdon

CoPI and Partners: Chris Biggs (UTMSI), Matt Kendall & Laughlin Siceloff (NOAA Marine Spatial Ecology Division), Chuck Naiser & Billy Trimble (FlatsWorthy, Inc.), Joan Garland (NERR)


Implementing plankton imaging and stable isotope analysis to examine the fine-scale transport and recruitment of blue crab recruitment to estuarine nursery habitat      

PI: Sharon Herzka

CoPI and Partners: Mark Fisher (TPWD)


Dynamics of migratory bird use of critical coastal habitat using remote monitoring

PI: Nicole Wonderlin

CoPI and Partners: Katie Swanson (NERR), Tim Keitt (UTAustin), Joan Garland (NERR), Rae Mooney (City of Port Aransas)


Track 2075

Addressing long-term challenges on the Texas Gulf Coast with external partners and resource managers.


How do Gulf of Mexico waters influence microbial plastic degradation?

PI: Hal Apler

CoPI and Partners: Zhanfei Liu (UTMSI)


Mining Texas Gulf coastal microbial communities for novel plastic degrading enzymes

PI: Brett Baker

CoPI and Partners: Edward Marcotte, Andy Ellington


Examining the consequences of sea-level rise and land use on the energy budgets of Texas’ migratory shorebirds

PI: Simon Brandl

CoPI and Partners: Amanda Koltz (IB), Jordan Casey (MSI), Matt Ashworth (Molecular Biosciences)


Microbial degradation of Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) along the Texas Coast

PI: Valerie De Anda

CoPI and Partners: Kaijun Lu (MSI), Kerri Ackerly (MSI)


Assessing Climatic Impacts on Wetland Transformation and Resilience along the Texas Coast using Remotely Sensed Imagery

PI: John Malito

CoPI and Partners: Katie Swanson (NERR), Wonhyun Lee (BEG), Ashraf Rateb (BEG)


DISTURBANCE: Showcasing UT Austin research and educating local communities through a new game that models the impacts of disturbances on interconnected Texas Gulf Coast ecosystems

PI: Rowan Martindale

CoPI and Partners: Adriana Reza (NERR), Jordan Casey (UTMSI, Simon Brandl (UTMSI)


Understanding the Impacts of Extreme Weather Events on River Flows to Bays and Estuaries: A Study of the Texas Gulf Coast

PI: Zong-Liang Yang

CoPI and Partners: Zhanfei Liu (UTMSI), Caimee Schoenbaechler (TWDB)


Planning Grants

Planning grants support projects that build capacity and foster collaborations to undertake the activities necessary to establish future alliances, or other large-scale networks to address a broadening participation challenge facing the Texas Gulf Coast at scale.

Integration of a 50-year curated dataset of stable isotope ratios of coastal and marine ecosystems components of the Texas Coastal Bend: toward assessing ecosystem-level impacts due to anthropogenic forcing

PI: Sharon Herzka


Creating Community Connections through a Market Analysis and Needs Assessment

PI: Adriana Reza


Grant Writing Workshops for Texas Gulf Coast Communities
PI: Katie Swanson