Texas Gulf Coast Research Center Announces Funding Opportunities

AUTHOR Sally Palmer

The University of Texas Marine Science Institute is pleased to announce several opportunities for researchers at UT-Austin through its new Texas Gulf Coast Research Center. Request for Proposals is now open for the following opportunities:

The Texas Gulf Coast Impact Grant Program is an internal funding mechanism meant to foster interdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships to solve scientific, technological, policy, and economic challenges facing the Texas Gulf Coast to preserve thriving Texas coastal communities. The program is led by the Texas Gulf Coast Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin’s (UT Austin) Marine Science Institute (UTMSI) and is administered by The University of Texas Marine Science Institute with support from the College of Natural Sciences’ (CNS) Strategic Research Initiatives team. 

Track 1: Impact 2030 Grants will support applied research projects that address near-term challenges facing the Texas Gulf Coast by engaging local municipalities and/or state natural resource agencies as external partners. All proposals must adopt a user-driven approach, be grounded in reciprocal relationships, and meet a need of a Texas Resource Agency or municipality.

Track 2: Impact 2075 Grants will support basic research projects that aim to address longer-term challenges facing the Texas Gulf Coast by fostering interdisciplinary collaborations to explore questions at the leading edge of research. These awards aim to forge unique collaborations between the Marine Science Department and other departments at UT-Austin to test ideas that can provide solutions for complex and difficult challenges facing the Texas Gulf Coast. These awards seek to support transformative research that engages novel disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspectives.

Download the RFP HERE

UTMSI is also issuing a request for proposals to its students and principal investigators including a predoctoral award program and matching grant opportunities. Both opportunities will serve to further the TGCRC’s mission to solve scientific, technological, policy, and economic challenges facing the Texas Gulf Coast with a goal to preserve thriving Texas coastal communities.