UTMSI Honors Advocates
The biannual meeting in Port Aransas of the Advisory Council for The University of Texas at Austin Marine Science Institute (Institute) was held last weekend. A highlight of the meeting was the beginning of a new tradition, the Director’s Honor Society. Three longtime advocates for the Institute were inducted: The Honorable Todd Hunter of Corpus Christi, Mrs. Edith McAllister of San Antonio, and Ben Vaughan, III of Austin. “I want to distinguish and honor our exceptional friends” said Dr. Robert Dickey, Institute Director.
The meeting provided a wrap up of the academic year and plans for the upcoming year from the Institute Director, Dean Linda Hicke with The University of Texas College of Natural Sciences, and Dr. Ed Buskey, Associate Chair and Professor. Current research projects were presented by Assistant Professor, Brad Erisman and graduate student, Elizabeth Brown. The weekend included a trip on the R/V Katy for council members to experience one of the public education and outreach programs available through the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve.
The Marine Science Advisory Council’s purpose is to further the research, educational and service objectives of the Institute.