Just released and in our library: Toxins and Biologically Active Compounds from Microalgae, Volume 1, Origin, chemistry and detection. It includes a chapter Chemistry of brevetoxins by Abraham, A., Plakas, S.M. and Dickey, R.W.
Dr. Ken Dunton was a guest editor for Volume 102 of Deep-Sea Research Part II entitled The Northern Chukchi Sea Benthic Ecosystem: Characterization, Biogeochemistry, and Trophic Linkages. Ken also led the organization of papers, wrote the lead-off synthesis paper and co-authored...
One of Dr. Ken Dunton's underwater Arctic photo's is featured on the cover of Journal of The Arctic Institute of North America, Volume 67, Number 1 from March 2014. Congratulations Ken!
Members of the University of Texas Marine Science Advisory Council got a bird’s eye view from their Fennessey hayride on the importance of riverine woodlands habitat in our coastal watershed and why the hydrological connection to our bays are critical.