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1st Quarter Newsletter for 2018

1st Quarter Newsletter for 2018

Greetings from The University of Texas Marine Science Institute! Click on the image below to read our first quarter newsletter for 2018.  
Captain Stan Receives UT Outstanding Staff Award

Captain Stan Receives UT Outstanding Staff Award

Stan Dignum has been selected to receive The University of Texas at Austin, Outstanding Staff Award for 2018. Each year the President’s office selects 30 recipients for this prestigious award. The award recognizes excellent work performance by all UT staff whose...
Harvey Research Symposium

Harvey Research Symposium

Please mark your calendar to attend the Harvey Research Symposium on Thursday, August 23, 2018. The purpose of this meeting is to bring together scientists, students, coastal managers, and elected officials to share research on how the hurricane has affected the...
Impact of Freshwater's Feast and Famine

Impact of Freshwater's Feast and Famine

There's a saying in Texas that goes "if you don't like the weather, just wait until tomorrow." That adage couldn't be truer for coastal Texas and its estuaries. The recent hurricane and extreme drought in 2015 are just a few of...
Research Wins with a Golden Ticket

Research Wins with a Golden Ticket

Scientists at The University of Texas Marine Science Institute and its Mission-Aransas Reserve are the lucky recipients of a “golden ticket”. It’s not a giant candy bar, but to scientists it’s even better – a $1,650 instrument called the CR1000X datalogger,...