Our Mission-Aransas Reserve education program strives to enhance public understanding of the value and function of estuaries and to encourage protection of the coastal environment.
We are currently closed and all public-facing programming is cancelled until further notice. During this time, we will be offering a variety of virtual engagements for our teachers, students and families. Please connect with us through our Facebook Page (@utmsi or @manerr) to view and access these engagements. Additional resources to enhance and expand the learning experience will be shared on our For Teachers page.
Virtual Engagement Schedule, airing each day at 1:00 p.m. on facebook (@utmsi or @manerr)
Monday: Beachcombing & Beach Walks
Fun & entertaining strolls along our Coastal Bend coastline
Tuesday: Teaching Tuesday
Hands-on science & nature activities for students and families
Wednesday: Conversations with Tony Amos
Engaging & inspiring interviews with the ARK's founder
Thursday: Talk Science To Me
Interviews, videos & interesting content from our scientists and animal rehabilitators
Friday: Free Your Mind
Calming & beautiful nature videos to ease you into the weekend
Saturday: Conversations with Tony Amos
Engaging & inspiring interviews with the ARK's founder