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SUMMER Oceanography Program


The Summer Oceanography Program is a 5-day adventure based in Kaktovik, Alaska. Local students ages 4-17 are immersed in a combination of field, laboratory, and classroom activities to stimulate their interest in science and discovery. Students have the opportunity to explore a range of disciplines including local ecology, environmental chemistry, climatology and more! Older students are invited to spend an afternoon learning research techniques aboard UT's research vessel, the R/V Proteus. These students may assist scientists to collect data for one of UT's ongoing research projects in the area.

See a video about our Oceanography Program HERE

 Kaktovik Summer Scince 2014Kaktovik Summer Oceanography Program 2014


What's Next?

Kaktovik Oceanography Program 2015Kaktovik Oceanography Program 2015

The 2017 Summer Oceanography Program will take place mid-August, see below for details!

When: Monday, August 7 to Saturday August 12, 2017
Where: Kaktovik Community Center
Who: All students ages 6+ (Students must be located in Kaktovik, AK)

What: Our theme this year is "Exploring Our Oceans "! Humans have explored less than 5% of our world’s oceans and scientists are discovering new ocean species and features daily. Students will experience how ocean exploration takes place by learning field work skills and lab techniques from expert biologists, chemists, and geologists. We will take advantage of our unique location by using Kaktovik lagoon as a natural classroom. We're bringing back some favorite activities from years past including animal dissections, sediment coring, and identifying plankton using a microscope. We are also introducing new lessons on algae pressing, lagoon food web dynamics, lagoon fish habitat preference, measuring groundwater nutrients, and Eider bird tracking. As always, at least one of our activities will feature the latest scientific technology, for example in our coastal erosion exercise, students will learn to determine their location using a handheld GPS and learn to fly  a quadricoptor with GPS capabilities! Check our site in the future for an update on future activities and events!


Algae PressingGroundwaterROV


erosion Survey 2016Coring 201620140722 105522 trawlingmarine food websmicroscope


Want to register?

For 2017 registration or questions, please contact:
  • Ken Dunton This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  • Craig Connolly This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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